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Hajj Terms & Conditions

Package rates do not include airline tickets, affidavit or medical vaccination charges.

 In any circumstances pilgrim will not be allowed to stay Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on his own arrangement.

The hotel rates are subject to availability, however, if any hotel is not available client will be given an option to take either similar, or higher category by paying the price difference, where applicable.

Unused portion of package/services, if any, is not refundable.

A cancellation as per hotel policy levied for delay /cancelled travel plans irrespective of the reason and in the month of Ramazan-ul-Mubbarak the whole package would be non-refundable. In case the mora allowed us to substitute the hajji and hajji is liable to pays the additional Cost. accompined

ZIARAT-UL-HARMAIN Pvt Ltd. will not be responsible for any mishandling, incident or charges in case the passenger travels without our information or in case of any violation of local laws during stay in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Once the Visa is issued and passenger is not able to travel, the passport will be detained by ZIARAT-UL-HARMAIN Pvt Ltd. till the expiry of Visa.

Hotel checkin time around 4 p.m. and checkout time around 1 p.m.

The above terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.